Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Irene Brown in 4 Degrees of connection

"Travelling every year to outback destinations has been a great inspiration for my ceramic works. The everchanging landscape, the flora and fauna, the textures of the rocks and the trees become the basis for my designs."

Pamela Gough in 4 Degrees of connection

"Beneath what we can see, are the underlying plans and dreams of those who have gone before us ... those who lived, loved and built up the Brisbane we are gifted with today."

"I love being a tourist in my own town. Our city's stories are so young, they're not history yet."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michelle Bowden in 4 Degrees of connection

"Through my photography I want to show the minute details of the little things like the veins on a leaf, the texture of a dry stick and the colours in breaking down mulch.
I want to expose a part of the world that is undisturbed and unperturbed by petty human worries. All this at our feet….."

Kirsten Dale Cutler in 4 Degrees of connection

"Whatever the subject matter, I seek to affect the observer with a sense of the mysterious and profound, and in doing so, express my understanding of the simple yet sublime nature of life."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"4 degrees of connection" exhibition at the Art Factory Gallery

“4Degrees of connection” – Exhibition

Contact: Pam Gough
Email address: or

Art Factory Gallery, South Brisbane.
Opening 24/7/2009 continuing to 29/7/2009.

Brisbane has grown from a “Big Country Town” to a thriving Metropolis, but the people of this city have not lost their inter-connectedness. Playing on the “6 Degrees of Separation” theory “4 Degrees of Connection” connects the viewer to a deep sense of history, belonging and place.

4 diverse local artists showcase a cross-section of Brisbane’s multi-talented arts scene that has developed in our “Big Country Town”.

The exhibition examines these artist’s connections to history, nature and each other that adds to their sense of place and identity.

• Pam Gough brings a sense of history with her cityscapes & scenes highlighting our unique Queenslander homes.
• Michelle Bowden shows off the wild places on our doorstep.
• Irene Brown adds feelings of serenity and peace with her delicate ceramics.
• Kirsten Dale Cutler’s work evokes an emotional response to the environment.

Through sharing stories and discovering random connections we can feel that our links to history and nature have not been lost as long as we hold them as precious and as a special part of our identity. Brisbane has grown-up, but is holding onto her unique character and that is shown in this exhibition.

The exhibition opens on 24th of July 2009 6pm – 9pm for drinks with the artists ,
at the Art Factory Gallery, 84 Merivale St, South Brisbane, and continues until 29th of July.

“4 DEGREES OF CONNECTION” an exhibition by 4 diverse Brisbane artists.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

An exhibition of 4 diverse artists who came to discover how connected we all are without realising it. By sharing their stories a series of seemingly random connections revealed themselves. The world is smaller than you think - 6 degrees of separation? No - "4 degrees of connection"! A connection of place,time and nature as well as a love of art binds them together for this latest exhibition which includes paintings, ceramics and photography.


Irene Brown - ceramics
Michelle Bowden - photograqphy
Pam Gough - acrylic and mixed media
Kirsten Cutler - oil and mixed media

Exhibition at the "Art Factory Gallery" South Brisbane opening on 24/7/2009.